Super Sabra Lightning Bow® Trigger (IWI Tavor SAR & X95)

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Super Sabra Lightning Bow® Trigger (IWI Tavor SAR & X95)

The Super Sabra Lightning Bow® Trigger is precision machined from precipitation hardened 17-4 and is designed to replace the standard trigger in IWI Tavor rifles. Once installed, the Sabra Lightning Bow is adjustable via a set screw that removes the “slack” that is inherently found in the trigger mechanism of those rifles. By removing the slack, the trigger pull is instantly transformed into a feel that is much more familiar to that of an M4 Carbine. Pairing the Sabra Lightning Bow with a Super Sabra Trigger Pack will result in a pull that is truly two stage and has a match grade feel.

Super Sabra Lightning Bow® Trigger (IWI Tavor SAR & X95) Specification

PLATFORM:   IWI Tavor & X95
TRIGGER BOW TYPE:   Lightning Bow®



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